March 25-31, 2012 is National Farmworker Awareness Week!
As we honor the work of farmworkers this week, we also celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Migrant Health Act. This legislation which was signed into law by President Kennedy on September 25, 1962 not only established the family of programs that are now make up the 159 migrant health centers and programs across our country, but in fact gave birth to the community health center movement. Although much has changed in 50 years, migrant farmworkers and more specifically their health continues to be compromised by poverty, occupational conditions, mobility and other disparities. Despite the passage of time, MMHP remains committed to taking these inequities on and assuring that the folks who labor in our fields and put food on our tables enjoy the same health as the rest of us. Celebrating the Migrant Health Act is in fact celebrating the health of migrant farmworkers. Happy Birthday!